Visit EasyFill at EuroShop
We are showing our turning shelves at EuroShop 2023 in Düsseldorf. Come to our booth and see them in action.
EuroShop is the world's no 1 retail trade fair taking place in Düsseldorf, Germany, February 26 to March 2, 2023.
Meet us in Hall 10, Booth A61.
The First In, First Out Principle
The principle behind our shelves is easy enough to understand: You turn the shelf to be able to refill from behind.
A slightly tilted shelf with a high sliding performance means that your products are always fronted.
This comes with a number of advantages. Read more about it below.
- Always in front
- More shelves, more facings
- Reduce labor
- Fight food waste

Always In Front
Fronted articles sell more! Our shelves are tilted and have a great sliding performance, which means always fronted shelves without manual work.
The things you put on your shelves are not equally good for self fronting. Some slide worse, others can not stand on their own. To remedy that, we have varity of combinable solutions.
The shelves are adjustable in two different angles.
Our movable roller tracks can be placed individually only where you actually need them.
The Gravity Pusher is more gentle than the ordinary spring pushers, giving just the right amount of push needed for product to slide forward and stand upright. It's also easy to put aside when refilling from the back.
More shelves, more facings
When refilling from behind, you can and should place your shelves tighter together.
Not only does it look nice, it gives you room for more shelves! Going from seven to nine or even ten shelves gives you a lot of valuable extra shelf meters and more facings.
What will do with that extra space?

Reduce Labor
No need to remove the current articles or to lean and strech over to fit the new ones behind. Rotate the shelf and put the articles in their lanes and they will neatly slide into the right position, behind the older articles, just as it should be.
This seemingly easy trick will in fact reduce the refilling time substantially!
But don't take our word for it. Come and try out our refilling competition at our booth at EuroShop! Hall 10, Booth A61.
Also, think about the time you save by not constantly walk around the store fronting your products.
Fight Food Waste
Food waste is an economical and environmental disaster and should be fought in any means possible.
The FIFO principle is of course a low hangning fruit. Fill from the back, keep the oldest best-before-dates in front. Simple as that.
Since you also can put the shelves tighter together, there's no room to cheat and pick the newer dates at the back.
German Lebensministerium announced EasyFill as the winner in the
Retail category in the competition "Zu gut für die Tonne".

About EasyFill
EasyFill AB is a Swedish listed company that uses Swedish patented innovations to increase sales, decrease labor and reduce food waste in grocery stores around the world.
EasyFill is an innovation-driven company with a main focus on developing products that simplify the handling of goods in stores and restaurants. All products the company manufactures and sells are patented in the major markets in the world. Sales take place through the company’s own companies, through retailers and together with manufacturers of soft drink refrigerators and refrigerator furniture manufacturers who in turn resell their products with EasyFill’s products installed around the world.
EasyFill has been listed on Spotlight Stock Market, Stockholm since May 2007.
Read more on www.easyfill.se.
Or contact us on info@easyfill.se.